Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Signs Of Rejection Of Breast Implants

Solvay, a new incident could be fatal

Keeping an eye on the strange scuba divers at risk Solvada in the dock, we learned of a new major incident in recent months. A large truck-crane, which was sent to the dock to replace some large ethylene slabs of concrete, now aged and corroded by salt, collapsed with four wheels on slabs rottisi under his weight, staying in balance without falling into the sea. If the truck had fallen into the sea, the driver would have risked drowning. To remove the truck stuck in a hurry and not to give too much attention, instead of a pontoon with a crane to get outside, we made use of another tow truck, threatening to plunge this second half. All this happened in the general silence of the company, unions and local authorities. Could be involved in the incident also large ethylene pipes, causing leakage and explosions? In addition to the worrying state of non-maintenance of these installations, which includes the old deposit of ethylene at high risk of particular concern to the wall of silence that is created each time around a serious matter like this. Who can believe in a place of transparency on the LNG terminal? 26.1.11 Maurizio Marchi (Manager Prov.le)


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