Thursday, January 20, 2011

Improve fm Transmitter

In this blog I often talked about famous artists, I have published poems, written for contemporary art and so on. but often the art can also be found in people who lead ordinary lives but who have a world "inside." Some time ago, by accident, and thanks to an artist as exceptional as the soprano Raina Kabaivanska, I had the opportunity to know a person I consider a true artist, and her name is Julia.
Giulia is one of the few people I know who has the good fortune to be able to do the job he always dreamed of, production designer, and I do not be surprised if he could realize his talent view.
Julia lives with her beloved cats - Oliver, Demetrio and Achilles and all its passions have been passed down from mother / father / grandparent / great-grandparents and so on. etc..
Every time I go to his house seems to get in a museum: drawings of his mother, photographs - that is printed on photographic plates and collected in albums in chronological order, starting from the early 900 (the beautiful photo of the "frozen" in Trieste '29), opera librettos of the early last century, newspaper articles and photographs by Raina Kabaivanska and other famous artists.
Everything he does, damn it, the good and successful in every corner of the home is no trace of her art. It 's beautiful box of clothes for Barbie - complete with accessories - made for each character of the opera or ballet in front of the TV are located some of its stones, paintings, photographs on the walls done in Africa where she is to give his contribution in building a school, in the sewing room - on the wall - the game of the goose she turned in "the game of the swan, and in various boxes so detailed dioramas that seem to be directly on a stage and Vintage clothes in cupboards and contemporary (pictured my father with his "nightgown", its creation) and furniture marks of his passion for sewing, as the sewing machine for dolls, in perfect working order.
And now let me talk for a few pictures taken during the last took tea at his house (flying over the amount of cookies that I ate), not to make this kind of art will not remain hidden.


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