The Buddleia is a deciduous shrub-type plant with arching branches, which fall into the family of Loganiacee . The Buddleja davidii, whose scientific name is of Chinese origin but was introduced in Europe around 1895.
Its name comes from the name of which was devoted to English botanist Adam Buddle, who has lived in the eighteenth century.
Quest'arbusto bush can reach a height of 3-4 meters, with lance-shaped leaves with a characteristic grayish color, especially on the bottom, but instead, the flowers come in shades ranging from pale lilac to deep violet. Its flowers give off a very intense aroma and are grouped in clusters and small pyramidal or conical and the time when you can see the beauty in full bloom this plant is between the months of August-September.
For Buddleja davidii we announce the following varieties:
First variant: magnificent (Wilson) Rehder & Wilson: its flowers are bright purple; Second variant: nanhoensis (Chiitenden) Rehder, Third variant: veitchianus (Veitch ) Rehder: heliotrope flower color; Fourth variant: Wilson (Wilson) Rehder & Wilson: its flowers are pink lillacino;
The ideal exposure for this wonderful plant is in full sun, it must be said, however, that during the summer need watering profusely, alternating days. With regard to soil type, however, we must place the plant in a normal garden soil, preferably dissolved. For the Council to make planting in autumn or late winter and spring.
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