Monday, January 31, 2011

Ap Bio Population Genetics Lab


The Buddleia is a deciduous shrub-type plant with arching branches, which fall into the family of Loganiacee . The Buddleja davidii, whose scientific name is of Chinese origin but was introduced in Europe around 1895.

Its name comes from the name of which was devoted to English botanist Adam Buddle, who has lived in the eighteenth century.

Quest'arbusto bush can reach a height of 3-4 meters, with lance-shaped leaves with a characteristic grayish color, especially on the bottom, but instead, the flowers come in shades ranging from pale lilac to deep violet. Its flowers give off a very intense aroma and are grouped in clusters and small pyramidal or conical and the time when you can see the beauty in full bloom this plant is between the months of August-September.

For Buddleja davidii we announce the following varieties:

First variant: magnificent (Wilson) Rehder & Wilson: its flowers are bright purple; Second variant: nanhoensis (Chiitenden) Rehder, Third variant: veitchianus (Veitch ) Rehder: heliotrope flower color; Fourth variant: Wilson (Wilson) Rehder & Wilson: its flowers are pink lillacino;

The ideal exposure for this wonderful plant is in full sun, it must be said, however, that during the summer need watering profusely, alternating days. With regard to soil type, however, we must place the plant in a normal garden soil, preferably dissolved. For the Council to make planting in autumn or late winter and spring.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mobile Homes Ontario Canada

regasification terminal OLT Killer

I also think that they removed the toxic sludge on the seabed for the work of OLT, and noise. The first victim of "sustainable development", in the Sanctuary of cetaceans. Health, Maurizio Marchi - MD Livorno

From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Roger Rognoni
Posted: Thursday, January 27, 2011 7:27
A: No Committee;
Subject: OLT Killer

Personally I have no doubt.

The Killer and 'OLT










A 25-meter whale went to die in the Park of San Rossore in Pisa. The whale was beached for unexplained reasons, on the Tuscan coast where he had already been sighted on Sunday in an area where the seabed is particularly low. After reporting to the Master the whale had disappeared and it was hoped that she went back out to sea. Yesterday morning was instead found dead

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Signs Of Rejection Of Breast Implants

Solvay, a new incident could be fatal

Keeping an eye on the strange scuba divers at risk Solvada in the dock, we learned of a new major incident in recent months. A large truck-crane, which was sent to the dock to replace some large ethylene slabs of concrete, now aged and corroded by salt, collapsed with four wheels on slabs rottisi under his weight, staying in balance without falling into the sea. If the truck had fallen into the sea, the driver would have risked drowning. To remove the truck stuck in a hurry and not to give too much attention, instead of a pontoon with a crane to get outside, we made use of another tow truck, threatening to plunge this second half. All this happened in the general silence of the company, unions and local authorities. Could be involved in the incident also large ethylene pipes, causing leakage and explosions? In addition to the worrying state of non-maintenance of these installations, which includes the old deposit of ethylene at high risk of particular concern to the wall of silence that is created each time around a serious matter like this. Who can believe in a place of transparency on the LNG terminal? 26.1.11 Maurizio Marchi (Manager Prov.le)

Friday, January 21, 2011

How To Wear A Bandanna As A Mask

Not to forget: 4 dead 25 years ago at the Livorno refinery

The January 30, 1986 the refinery Stanic (now ENI) Livorno four workers died intoxicated chain hydrogen sulfide (or hydrogen sulphide). Gianluca Nardi Wladimiro Cecchetti, and Massimo Giampietro Domenico Maglione, all under thirty, were killed while working in a settling tank in the open. One of them was installing a valve between two pipes, when poisoned by hydrogen sulfide - which has particularly insidious characteristic of inhibiting the smell - was knocked unconscious. A second worker rushed to help him, but lost in turn directions, so the third and fourth. A fifth worker, in turn, tried to do something, but then walked away saving themselves for help. "The workers are spirit, and even have the strength to utter a cry," reported the news. Nardi and Cecchetti were employees of the firm Montano, Sweater and Gianpietro cooperative ACLI Labor. They worked in the tub without a mask or other protection, although incidents of this kind had already occurred often in the news Stanic.Ancora say that "the annual budget for companies to contract creates a situation of fierce competition to win contracts; auction contract may also be made within a week, with possible consequent irregularities. "And yet" In a tube can form pockets of gas .... a stagnation of the product. So it should be, before you open it, careful cleaning of the line with steam, but some rules are too often neglected is to speed up the work, both in the absence Heads of department or other expert personnel of the line. "Yet, just twenty days earlier, on January 10 there had been a similar incident of acne Cengio: two workers seriously poisoned by hydrogen sulphide, and twenty other less heavily intoxicated, all hospitalized. And just twelve days later replicated in Porto Marghera: February 12 two workers seriously intoxicated, one of whom also reported a head injury from the fall to the ground. They were the first signs of savage deregulation of work: reviewing today is impressive, when deregulation became hard and fast rule and generalized. But hydrogen sulfide (H2S) continues to kill, Livorno, even at low doses: it feels (when you can feel, that is, until the concentration does not inhibit the sense of smell) as the smell of rotten eggs, a typical area of \u200b\u200bthe refinery and in the district of Emilio and Pond Village, a suburb north of Livorno. A study in November 2007 by two researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles, Maria Rita D'Orsogna and Thomas Chou, describes the health effects of low doses of hydrogen sulphide which is mainly emitted by oil refineries, but also of municipal waste landfills and special industrial and farm animals. The study says verbatim: "The scientific evidence examined leads to the conclusion that H2S levels below the standards laid down by law have serious potential 'harmful to the population. L 'H2S, which is classified as a poison at high concentrations, at low doses can' cause neurological, respiratory, motor, cardiac and may be related to increased incorrenza of spontaneous abortion in women. Sometimes this damage is irreversible. From recent results also show its potentiality `a, at low doses, to stimulate the appearance of colon cancer." Among the non-fatal effects include neurological damage - such as dizziness, fainting, confusion, headache, somnolence, tremor , nausea, vomiting, convulsions, dlilatate pupils, learning problems and concentration, loss of consciousness, irritability, poor memory, changes in motor skills and sense of smell - and lung damage such as edema, regurgitation of blood, difficulty breathing, coughing, chest pain. These effects are often irreversible, says the study. Prolonged exposure to even low doses can cause: between 0.1 and 1 ppm neuropsychological defects, delayed verbal, motor problems, etc., between 1 and 5 ppm balance disorders and coordination, slow reflexes, confusion, etc. between 2 and 8 ppm insomnia, nausea, irritability, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, etc. and thus to worsen with the rising concentration to 250 ppm, pulmonary edema, alteration of cellular metabolism, nerve damage, etc.. "In the vicinity of the oil processing centers, including facilities for hydro-desulphurization levels of H2S can therefore be 300 times greater than in a normal city in the Western world," says the study. Also to honor the memory of four young workers died 25 years ago, is a dutiful epidemiological investigation finds that the effects on public health in the neighborhoods north of Livorno. 13.1.11 Maurizio Marchi

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Improve fm Transmitter

In this blog I often talked about famous artists, I have published poems, written for contemporary art and so on. but often the art can also be found in people who lead ordinary lives but who have a world "inside." Some time ago, by accident, and thanks to an artist as exceptional as the soprano Raina Kabaivanska, I had the opportunity to know a person I consider a true artist, and her name is Julia.
Giulia is one of the few people I know who has the good fortune to be able to do the job he always dreamed of, production designer, and I do not be surprised if he could realize his talent view.
Julia lives with her beloved cats - Oliver, Demetrio and Achilles and all its passions have been passed down from mother / father / grandparent / great-grandparents and so on. etc..
Every time I go to his house seems to get in a museum: drawings of his mother, photographs - that is printed on photographic plates and collected in albums in chronological order, starting from the early 900 (the beautiful photo of the "frozen" in Trieste '29), opera librettos of the early last century, newspaper articles and photographs by Raina Kabaivanska and other famous artists.
Everything he does, damn it, the good and successful in every corner of the home is no trace of her art. It 's beautiful box of clothes for Barbie - complete with accessories - made for each character of the opera or ballet in front of the TV are located some of its stones, paintings, photographs on the walls done in Africa where she is to give his contribution in building a school, in the sewing room - on the wall - the game of the goose she turned in "the game of the swan, and in various boxes so detailed dioramas that seem to be directly on a stage and Vintage clothes in cupboards and contemporary (pictured my father with his "nightgown", its creation) and furniture marks of his passion for sewing, as the sewing machine for dolls, in perfect working order.
And now let me talk for a few pictures taken during the last took tea at his house (flying over the amount of cookies that I ate), not to make this kind of art will not remain hidden.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Play Boutique Monopoly


The Commission for Equal Opportunities Muggia organized for the third consecutive year, a course of self-defense and karate taught by teachers, being a limited access, this year I finally managed to sign up.
I saw it as an opportunity to learn something new and, considering that are often out at night with her angry dog \u200b\u200bsalon called Jack, I thought I might possibly come in handy - or not!
seems like a nice thing to describe the dozens of women that they should enter into a quiet winter night as Arsene Lupin novels, in the gymnasium of the home town of Muggia - not to disturb the sleep of elderly resident - and instead turn on the light has triggered the fire alarm!
or to talk about intense exercise that these 10 women were submitted by instructors with harmonious movements as Crane Eastern did understand them all - without exception - at the time of split the difference between 45, 90 and 180 °.
And how can I fail to describe the work in pairs, each different from the 10 people who meet and collide, and as I was separated from my comrades in arms @ susiparlaparla, I guess to preserve the health, perhaps because too aggressive in comparison to her using the same strength of a daisy petals falling to the ground while he loves me loves me not.
And how can we tell you how I embarrassed my strength, was able to moderate it or risk hurting my new girlfriend and how, as paw on my legs to be able to brush the knee or shoulder ... zac ..! has been struck between the head and neck from what I have called, affectionately, the Papa, or a blow given with the hand cutting and especially with the power of Tyson at the time of his life and more pissed off I turned it over the last two days in a fanatical Buddhist retreats and the OK. So, seeing as it began for me in 2011, amid tears, quarrels and Papa flying, could someone kindly tell me the nearest Buddhist monastery there so I hide for a while '? And also welcome Jack .... someone has to protect me, right?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dicks Last Resort Sayings

polluted water, including exemptions and privatization

In the last regional election propaganda circulated a sheet which gives: "Tuscany in good health" status of water is perhaps the best indicator to assess the overall status of a territory, and in Tuscany the water is bad. From the site of the region know that the water system Tuscan weighs 12.2 million population equivalent, much more than the actual 3.5 million citizens. Three quarters of this weight is given by the industry, while only the remaining quarter from agriculture. It 'a weight that affects the quantity, but inevitably on water quality. The State of the Environment Report 2009 in Tuscany dell'ARPAT, page. 172 states that 88 % Of our sources (wells, springs, leads, etc.) are in the worst class, the class A3, which requires drinking water be made a "physical and chemical treatment pushed, extended treatment and disinfection." We were already 82% in 2006. In other words, the bulk of the water in Tuscany is used and polluted by industry, agriculture secondarily, and that little is left for the population, it is very polluted, it is very expensive to purify a bit ', and more succeed we must drink in derogation from the limits of the law, as we shall see below. All this litter the principles of the Galli Law (36/1994) that the priorities ridabiva consumption of this primary good, the first place it is for civilian consumption, and secondly to agriculture, industry and all that remains. Narrowing his eyes at the level of the province of Livorno, this distortion is evident. The oil terminal in Livorno consumes 67 million cubic meters per year of fresh water (so-called "industrial", that is good water, but polluted upstream), the Solvay 18 million, to Piombino at least 10 million, geothermal at least 4 million : add 99 million cubic meters per year, which should be added to those of the two main ports and industrial minors. Conversely ASA provides to the population of 29 million cubic meters a year (Sustainability Report 2007), perhaps a fifth of total industrial consumption. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, as seen above, the remaining water to the population to be purified with increasingly massive doses of chlorine, which we find ourselves at the tap in the form of carcinogenic trihalomethanes and chlorine. And still not enough, because there is also supplied water to arsenic and boron, beyond the legal limits. The dire water situation in Italy prompted the central government to issue a decree (Decree 31/2001) and granting the regions the power to issue exemptions from the limits of national laws on pollutants in drinking water. The Tuscany "postcard" was denied the opportunity to be granted and provide good water to its citizens. But not so: he used the decree immediately, beginning to issue exemptions for trihalomethanes, chlorine, arsenic and boron, involving ever more extensive areas of our region (in 2008 about 600,000 were involved in Tuscany). And what is worse, without informing the population, and without initiating plans for remediation and restoration of water quality, although information and reclamation plans are expressly provided for in the decree, and are an indispensable condition the issuance of waivers. The latest issued by the Tuscany Region (No. 754 in 2008, n.1587 of 9.4.2009, n. 3608 of 24.07.2009) drew specific obligation to inform the population, even "provide advice to specific population groups" at particular risk, such as those under 14 years for boron, but does not translate into action the duty of information, which also will rely on ASL and mayors. Worse still for the reclamation plans that do not exist, or where there are feeders for the "caste". For example, in 2003 - after years of protests and MD of the population - was made a project of reclamation of the Val di Cecina, polluted by arsenic, boron, mercury, chromium, etc. (the Project "Cecina pilot basin") with an allocation of 35 million €. To date, no remediation has been completed (Or even started), you continue to drink water notwithstanding, and 35 million seem to be dispersing in a thousand streams with no results. Note that since 2008 he is involved in the regional derogation also the city of Livorno, for Trihalomethanes (carcinogenic chlorine derivatives, such as chloroform), completing the involvement of the whole province, from the last common Collesalvetti Elbe. No derogation from the last regional 1514 March 26, 2010 - issued in anticipation of a ruling by the European Commission was expected because the affected third period - Livorno town has mysteriously disappeared, as other municipalities. Note also that several municipalities as Cecina Piombino, involving two or more pollutants since 2003, which multiplies the health risk for the population. Finally, 28 October 2010 came the reprimand of the EC, waiting for a year, which blocks the exceptions of Tuscany and other regions, imposing a certain deadline 31.12.2012 for arsenic, boron and other substances, but not for trihalomethanes and chlorine. The EC document states clearly that arsenic is carcinogenic, and that the boron must go down to the limit of 0.5 ml / l recommended by WHO, while up to the end of 2012 it will provide up to 3 mg / l in our province. Also states that the water containing these two substances should not be given to children under three years limit lax and incomprehensible, because the exceptions of the Tuscany Region for boron fixed the limit of no use up to 14 years, a much wider audience, even if no one cared about it to know and respect. As the complaint ISDE, an international association with which democratic Medicine has established a permanent cooperation protocol, cancer in children increased by 3.2% annually, twice the European average, the highest percentage in the Western world. A recent epidemiological survey of the Tuscany Region on the effects of geothermal energy in the two areas of Amiata geothermal Larderello and says that 535 deaths were observed in most ripetto expected estimated on the Tuscan population, and that the population is exposed to arsenic and mercury emissions, while boron has been poured into the river Cecina for decades. For years now systematically these pollutants reach the coast and the Val di Cornia, and through the pipe from Piombino, pollution geothermal their way into the Elbe. In these days in all kindergartens of the Elbe was the feeding of tap water to children. But the attitude of the authorities does not seem to change, for example when they continue to claim, falsely, the origin of "natural" pollutants. It's actually an entire system of production and administrative collapsing, and continue to minimize this failure is a serious (ir) responsibility in more. On this framework already disturbing and chaotic, hovers like a ghost privatization (or rather the completion of privatization) of water in Tuscany and Italy, but at the same time it also opens the battle for national referendums, calling for water in the hands of citizens. In Tuscany, in the meantime you should be back to "commissioner" provisional, in view of a super-authority (sic) that will probably all the water in the hands of a multinational. At worst there is no end. 24.12.10 Maurizio Marchi

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Quote I Think I Like My Best Friend

plant Solvay Rosignano

Maurizio Marchi interviewed by the legendary Gianni Lannes !!!!!

Why I Get Stomach Problem When I Eat Vegetables

Quality air and Livorno Province

Please note that those who pollute the most are the central Thermo-Electric Rosignano 3 2 3 Livorno Piombino !!!!!!!!!! not to forget.