Asbestos and not just open a front to fight alongside the workers against the harmful effects on work and on land. Saturday, October 23 at 17 at the hall in Livorno Via Sant'Andrea Public meeting with prof. Giancarlo Ugazio (Environmental Pathology - University of Turin) and Att. Ezio Bonanni (the Court of Rome, throughout Italy pledged in support of workers exposed to asbestos) The emergence of the massacre asbestos in Livorno and its province is only the beginning: Only very few cases I have in open court, and on a limited number of employees (about ten), while the workers, and citizens are thousands, probably tens of thousands: the port to shipbuilding, from the ex-refinery Borma, Solvay, the steel plant in Piombino, etc.. There is a mixture of disinterest and / or underestimation by the unions and local institutions, which must be passed by the initiative from the bottom of the citizens and families of ex-exposed and exposed. The meeting with the two experts will be invited to Livorno a valuable tool for developing this initiative from below, for justice, truth and reparations. The presence of the prof. Ugazio make possible the knowledge of the danger of trihalomethanes in drinking water (notwithstanding the legal limits) of mercury in fish and other pollutants into the environment. Participating: Free Popular University "Alfredo Glasses," Trade Union of the base. The membership is open. Workers and citizens are encouraged to participate.
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