Thursday, December 16, 2010
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The skits on drinking water are just starting out, especially after the European Commission Decision of 28.10.10, which has highlighted the poor water management in Italy and Tuscany, and prohibited further exceptions to some pollutants such as arsenic and boron. Nitrates, in 2003 a study of the Province of Livorno, kept stored in the last drawer, warned that "Unfortunately, the progressive deterioration in his state of the water may jeopardize the water supply for the coming years. ... Nitrates in humans lead to a dual mechanism of toxicity: methaemoglobinaemia, so the red blood cells lose their ability to carry oxygen to tissues with very serious consequences even in the nervous system, and the formation of nitrosamines, which cause liver damage and constitute one of the most dangerous class of carcinogens. "The most vulnerable are children under three years. The study's conclusions are drastic: "If they are not applied to land reclamation and quantitative measures to protect the water resource within the next 10 years none of the wells located in the plain between the River End and the River Cecina will be able to provide clean water. " But the problem was not and is not limited to that area: the entire coastal plain from Livorno is involved, as demonstrated in the case of St. Vincent. So little has been done in the seven years that the mayor had to issue a ordinanaza to prohibit the use of water for excess nitrates. This ordinanaza ASL and ASA are now sealed to reassure that the nitrates are now back within the limits of the law, as if by magic. The episode is an incredible opaqueness, both in times of fast solution of the problem ("Repair a failure ") and admits that because ASL is still awaiting the analysis of the Laboratory of Lucca, but why such testing should be done in Lucca, a city that sells large amounts of water to the devastated province of Livorno, in return for 'reception of its waste-Rosignano disheveled? The problem is much wider and more serious than it seems: the entire province of Livorno has a bad water quality, not only nitrates but also boron, arsenic, trihalomethanes and chlorine. And not for natural geological causes, such as our guardians continue to say, but because the big industrial centers, and geothermal consume the bulk of the water, leaving the population the remains of course very bad. In particular, St. Vincent bears, as well as nitrates, boron also notwithstanding the limits of the law, in a concentration three times higher than that recommended by the European Commission, and even six times higher than recommended by the World Health Organisation. 01/12/2010 Tel 0586-4845510 cell. 328-4152024 Maurizio Marchi (Head of Provincial Road)
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The company mangiasoldi, semiprivatizzata in 2004 in the hands of Iris in Turin, continues to beat cash: in those days they told us that the privatization of ASA would have served to make investments (in their pocket) and improve the service: none of this has happened in the past seven years. Increasingly high rates, poor water quality and widespread concern in rapid deterioration. Now the ATO is composed of the mayors and chaired by Pacini, is deciding to allow ASA to raise rates again: the public should pay more than € 6 million over the next two years, in an area where the rate is already very high, as opposed to quality. Distrust mayors from giving this new growth: ATO and the provinces of Livorno and Pisa instead raise their fees they pay ridiculously large water consumers such as Solvay, refinery, steel mills, etc., a few euro cents per cubic meter, instead of thinking take money from those who are most defenseless. And he finally puts his hand to the urgent remediation (trihalomethanes, chromium, boron, arsenic, etc.), to save what little remains of the water resource in the province and particularly in the Val di Cecina, to return quickly within the legal limits for several pollutants, and to avoid the heavy penalties which the EU is preparing to pay the Italian regions like Tuscany, defaulting on reclamation. 18:11:10 Maureen Marks (Manager Prov.le)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
White And Silver Curtains

To keep a plant thriving is always advisable to remove all the damaged leaves and withered flowers. This kind of plant is very delicate, therefore, should always keep in the apartment, because it fears the cold, with minimum temperatures (night) over 12 ° / 15 ° C. All'annaffiatura on the other hand, it is advisable to water regularly (at least 3 times a week), while leaving the soil to dry out between watering and the next. To be avoided is the direct exposure of Spathiphyllum with the sun, but it is better to keep it in bright environments and to avoid significant changes in temperature. The
Spathyphyllum wallisii prefer a soil rich and soft, made of garden soil with soil heath, land of leaves and little sand. In addition, for the proper development of the plant is advisable to use a pot large enough so that with the growth of new leaves, there is more space.
Article written by Melody Laurin
Thursday, October 21, 2010
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Asbestos and not just open a front to fight alongside the workers against the harmful effects on work and on land. Saturday, October 23 at 17 at the hall in Livorno Via Sant'Andrea Public meeting with prof. Giancarlo Ugazio (Environmental Pathology - University of Turin) and Att. Ezio Bonanni (the Court of Rome, throughout Italy pledged in support of workers exposed to asbestos) The emergence of the massacre asbestos in Livorno and its province is only the beginning: Only very few cases I have in open court, and on a limited number of employees (about ten), while the workers, and citizens are thousands, probably tens of thousands: the port to shipbuilding, from the ex-refinery Borma, Solvay, the steel plant in Piombino, etc.. There is a mixture of disinterest and / or underestimation by the unions and local institutions, which must be passed by the initiative from the bottom of the citizens and families of ex-exposed and exposed. The meeting with the two experts will be invited to Livorno a valuable tool for developing this initiative from below, for justice, truth and reparations. The presence of the prof. Ugazio make possible the knowledge of the danger of trihalomethanes in drinking water (notwithstanding the legal limits) of mercury in fish and other pollutants into the environment. Participating: Free Popular University "Alfredo Glasses," Trade Union of the base. The membership is open. Workers and citizens are encouraged to participate.
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The nuisance of ophiolitic material (green rocks, or grabbriccio in our area) has been known for decades. Medicine democratic complaint for many years, especially in recent years, since facing massive new Excavations at the service of a motorway. E 'known case of Pallet Town in the province of Catania, where they had to undertake massive reclamation works to neutralize the previous massive use of green rocks. They are also known carcinogenic effects on the population of Pallet Town, which has been subjected to epidemiological studies, finding her suffering from diseases from exposure to asbestos well above the national average. Even in Piedmont and Emilia have implemented clean-like, the parking of the central railway station. The harmfulness of the "green stone" can be found on DPR August 8, 1994, in particular art. 4 "Preparation of programs for dispose of the mining operations and implement its remediation, "and the Decree of the Ministry of Health, 14.5.1996 (OJ 251 of 10.25.1996 suppl. ord.) establishing criteria for the controls. Finally and most importantly the law 257/1992 (the basic law on asbestos) expressly prohibits the extraction and marketing of asbestos or asbestos-containing products, as in our case the gabbriccio. After these laws there have been studies by different regions, confirming the strong presence of asbestos in these rocks. In Tuscany, the Province of Pisa is more involved, especially the Val di Cecina, with dozens of caves that the Province has decided to reopen or continue to benefit, even in relation to the construction of the new highway (1) Although they are present and widespread also in our area quarries that do not contain asbestos (eg limestone or basalt), the authorities continue to inexplicably give permission to the bait, like that of Rialdi, and although it is certain that these permits involve public exposure to asbestos. These permissions - such as that granted by the City of Riparbella June 15, 2010 - are based on the alleged harmfulness of asbestos is not below a certain limit, but according to many researchers, including Lorenzo Tomatis - Director of IARC for 12 years - Dr. Vito Totire professor at the University of Venice and the prof. Giancarlo Ugazio there is no acceptable threshold for carcinogenic substances, especially asbestos. Even a low exposure, even a single fiber, can cause cancer of the pleura (mesothelioma), even decades after exposure. But in the case of Rialdi, exposure of the population would be massive and continuous: the second "release indication" of asbestos fibers into the atmosphere and ARPAT made by ASL to the quarry (18.74 milligrams per kilogram of material extracted (2 )) multiplied by the quantity pull-out in the 15 years of "safety measures" (sic), it bears much an issue of 101,196 pounds of fiber (3). Apart from direct exposure, it should be noted the very wide and growing use of green rocks crushed sand in housing, which grows with the unwinding of the sands of the river, and involving thousands of construction workers and families themselves. The lethal combination of exposure to asbestos and asbestos green rocks from industrial applications (shipbuilding, industrial equipment such as Solvay Piombino steelworks and oil refinery in Livorno) is the province of Livorno in Italy one of the four - along with Taranto, Alexandria and Gorizia - in which are more numerous cases of mesothelioma 4). From the 'Archive mesothelioma "of Regione Toscana is that the province Livorno suffered three times the regional average of mesotheliomas (index 7.67 v 2.53), and we know that many - perhaps most - of the material excavated in the foothills, is used in coastal towns like Cecina, Rosignano Donoratico etc. located in the Province of Livorno. It remains to investigate the effect of the runoff of rain on the roads to quarries and gabbriccio and then infiltration of asbestos fibers into the groundwater and surface water, resulting in pollution of the local food chain, in an already abnormal as worrying state drinking water distributed by seven years notwithstanding the legal limits for arsenic, boron, the Trihalomethanes and chlorites. (5), not including chromium, mercury, turpentine, etc.. How easily intuits the problem quarry is not a problem limited to Riparbella, but the whole Val di Cecina. By the end of October, the City of Riparbella should release the final authorization for the "fugitive emissions" means the population will take the opportunity to force the municipality to admit you were wrong so far and to deny the final authorization for the best interest to population health. At the same time democratic Medicine calls for the closure and the safety of all the quarries of green rocks of the Val di Cecina, and ascertaining the health effects of population and exposed workers. Note 1 - the reopening of the quarries, see the website of the Province of Pisa, 26.2.2009 informed the two - see the investigation report to the City of ASL Riparbella 11 .12.2009. 3 - the calculation made by democratic Medicine is based on a quantity removable media, not the greatest city in the authorization assumed. The calculation is shown below. 4 - See the National Institute of Health Study of 2002 Mastrantonio, Belli, Comba et al. 5 - drinking water, see the regional derogation in force, Decree 1587 of 4/9/2009, with the municipalities involved and the relevant pollutants in derogation from the limits law. Quarry Rialdi (Riparbella - Pisa) Issue of asbestos fibers into the atmosphere Index release 18.74 milligrams per kilogram (ASL Report 12/11/2009) 18.74 mg X 1000 = 18,740 mg = 18.74 grams per tonne Release of asbestos per tonne of material extracted. Material Release 3,600,000 cubic meters (400,000 cubic meters for 9 modules = 3,600,000 cubic meters. The range authorized by the municipality, on the recommendation of the Province of Pisa, is between 100,000 and 600,000 cubic meters per module. Specific gravity of the material excavated estimated 1 Meter cube = 1.5 X 1.5 = 5,400,000 tons 3,600,000 tons 5,400,000 tons of extractable X 18.74 grams per tonne = Release 101.196.Kg fibers released into the atmosphere That is 101,196 pounds of asbestos released into the atmosphere, where the extraction of material is 3.6 million cubic meters, based on the given index "release" of ARPAT 2007, mentioned in the report of the ASL 6 11 .12 .2009. To this amount must be added the amount of fiber that are mobilized in the years to the destination of gabbriccio (roads, squares, walls, etc.), air and water. 23.9.10 Maurizio Marchi (Manager Livorno and Cecina Valley)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
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This plant is a poisonous species is usually placed spontaneous a place to partial shade. The land on which it grows is a particularly light and soil mixed with peat. If you choose to cultivate this plant, remember that this needs to be watered frequently in summer and every day.
As we just said, aconite is a poisonous plant in all its parts so it's wise rule to avoid all contact with mouth and eyes in every way even if you picked the flowers, have the precaution to wash your hands thoroughly before touching food.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Heather Hanson Oliver Klozov

world we know today is very hectic and you do not have much time, at least during the week, where the vast majority of people work.
And if you plan to go shopping or just have five minutes to go and buy some flowers? Or you go at lunchtime, or at the end of the working day (if you still want), or wait for the weekend or the day of rest.
Nowadays, however, comes to the rescue of those who do not have time the great net: Internet via the World Wide Web you can then buy and deliver to the plants or floral arrangements of all respect.
addition to this the internet allows you to find the best florist closest to your home. As everything? Take for example the portal circuit Flowers and Florists.
find here all the florists who are part of the mark, where to enter this circle, they had to show that offer fresh flowers and plants, beautiful and natural and that they care about customer satisfaction.
There is nothing better right?
Monday, July 19, 2010
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This plant is defined as a field botanist Dracaena. This plant looks very similar to a palm tree, but it is not high as that tree, but in a different way. It 's a kind of perennial plant originated in India and in Central and South America. But needs a tropical climate to grow and survive.
This type of plant is usually grown in greenhouses but also in the apartment, especially because its leaves and its growth are very beautiful aesthetically.
Some important features of this plant:
- blooms in May and June to
- prefers semi shady areas, but direct sun will not harm
- dies if the temperature drops below seven degrees
- Needs muddy soil pumice stone
- It 'best to use fertilizers ternary by adding iron to make it grow healthy and strong
- In hot weather has a lot of water, but very little in those cold
Saturday, July 10, 2010
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By Matt Crucioli lawyer, * we have recorded in Rome the use of the State Council for set aside the decree of the illegitimate government (endorsed by region, province and municipality), instead of the reclamation) authorizes Sogin to set up in Bosco Marengo (Alessandria) a deposit (just over a vulnerabilissimo shed) of nuclear waste: as justified " temporary, indefinite, indefinitely. So the final in the absence of a national repository for thousands of super safe to accept the legacy of the old power: required by law but not under construction indeed even identified as a location. If the ruling is favorable, we will conquer in Italy by the legacy nuclear exit, take on the legal precedent in favor of all former nuclear sites Italians would otherwise permanently in deposits themselves with immense danger for the present and future generations, and win de facto blockade of the nuclear program of the government finally forced to address the legacy of the local stores in the first instance and forced to build the second-law - a national repository super safe for millennia, without being able to proceed in the meantime any new nuclear power plant. If the ruling is unfavorable, there will be that the referendum. So a decision of national importance. So a subscription of national importance. The initial cost of the appeal is expected in about 10 000 euro, an enormous sum, to find entirely by public subscription (update lists of subscribers). Choosing between the following two account numbers. Always specify the reason: "Nuclear Alexandria bank account, payable to the Democratic Scrl Medicine C / C 10039 ABI 05584 CAB 01708 CIN W IBAN code - IT50W0558401708000000010039 or giro account No. 22362107 payable to Pro Natura Pastrengo Via Torino 13, 10128 Torino.
Friday, July 9, 2010
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sent back to the judiciary on pollution in Val di Cecina MD left again exposed to the judiciary for the identification of those responsible el'incriminazione mercury pollution in the Valley Cecina, in particular the site Canova (near the bridge to Montegemoli) in the light of some important new facts. This association was advancing on display since 2002 and updates on the situation of severe pollution in the site Canova, and endangering public health. In 2003 he drew the attention of the judiciary for the Study of CNR Pisa, commissioned by INAIL, which confirmed the anomalous presence in environmental media (water, air, soil and plant products) of mercury at the site. Although the site has been entered by the Region of Tuscany as far back as 1999 in the list of contaminated sites in need of urgent remediation because of alleged difficulties in identifying the persons responsible reclamation, yet still expects the remediation. The proof is the recent article "Il Tirreno" Chronicle of Volterra 20.5.10, from which it derives the orientation of the Province of Pisa to authorize the expansion of the landfill Bulera (Pomarance) provided the SCL give finally during the remediation of the site Canova. In this long history of delays and inaction in harm to public health, you insert a new fact of considerable importance, made by the Court of Appeal of Florence - and job security - RGN 276/2007 (cons. rel. Dott . Fabrizio Amato, hearing 09.02.2010), which recognizes a RB, a farmer, the professional nature dell'idrargirismo (Illness from exposure to mercury), for his work - without his knowledge - Canova site polluted by mercury. Canova is a large site consists of arable land, located on the left bank of the river Cecina, with a central lake formed by the subsidence of the surface, after which for decades had been extracted from underground rock salt by various operators (ENI, Solvay, SCL) chlorine plant in Saline di Volterra, injecting water polluted by mercury from industrial recycled itself. The mercury accumulated in the lake and surrounding land, given the proximity to the river Cecina, pollutes the water constantly there and the river itself, entering into a stable chain food. As far as we know, is the first time in Italy that a national, not to work in factories that use mercury, is recognized occupational disease from exposure to this toxic substance: this opens the way for other citizens of the Val di Cecina who have been exposed for decades in mass, and contracted health damage. Maurice Marks (Head of Livorno and Cecina Valley area) Communications in Mauritius Marchi, Via Cavour 14 57013 Rosignano Solvay (LI) cell 328-4152024
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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Thursday, January 7, 2010
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the original edition, we hope to see it published soon and well in Italian.
"Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli, Pantheon Books, 2009, $ 29.95.