Saturday, July 10, 2010

Progesterone-rich Foods

this action to the State Council to stop the nuclear program Government official statistics

By Matt Crucioli lawyer, * we have recorded in Rome the use of the State Council for set aside the decree of the illegitimate government (endorsed by region, province and municipality), instead of the reclamation) authorizes Sogin to set up in Bosco Marengo (Alessandria) a deposit (just over a vulnerabilissimo shed) of nuclear waste: as justified " temporary, indefinite, indefinitely. So the final in the absence of a national repository for thousands of super safe to accept the legacy of the old power: required by law but not under construction indeed even identified as a location. If the ruling is favorable, we will conquer in Italy by the legacy nuclear exit, take on the legal precedent in favor of all former nuclear sites Italians would otherwise permanently in deposits themselves with immense danger for the present and future generations, and win de facto blockade of the nuclear program of the government finally forced to address the legacy of the local stores in the first instance and forced to build the second-law - a national repository super safe for millennia, without being able to proceed in the meantime any new nuclear power plant. If the ruling is unfavorable, there will be that the referendum. So a decision of national importance. So a subscription of national importance. The initial cost of the appeal is expected in about 10 000 euro, an enormous sum, to find entirely by public subscription (update lists of subscribers). Choosing between the following two account numbers. Always specify the reason: "Nuclear Alexandria bank account, payable to the Democratic Scrl Medicine C / C 10039 ABI 05584 CAB 01708 CIN W IBAN code - IT50W0558401708000000010039 or giro account No. 22362107 payable to Pro Natura Pastrengo Via Torino 13, 10128 Torino.


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