Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What Color Ribbonis Primary Peritoneal Cancer

Au revoir les enfants

I decided to close this blog, but will remain visible for a while '.
I do so mainly because the circle that had opened when he was born Slowcomics, now it is ideally done with the birth of a creature almost of the same name but from the perspective much broader and important.
tells how the great Luca Boschi ( http://lucaboschi.nova100.ilsole24ore.com/2010/02/moreno-burattini-saverio-ceri-francesco-manetti-un-brindisi.html ), who would like to thank , albeit belatedly, to be very good friends and I and others have launched a new cultural association (Slowcomix, for the note), which will promote the comic favoring the most artistic, original and innovative, and which I have the honor of being the President.

For those who still had some still want to read my review, you can find me on the white space ( http://www.lospaziobianco.it/ ) and, possibly, in future, the baby blog of our association , which I invite you now to add to favorites ( http://slowcomix.blogspot.com/ ).

Many thanks to all friends who have followed me this far, it was a great adventure for your merit.